Our editorial work is channeled into two lines of production: the quarterly publication of ARQ journal and the edition of a wide array of books about architecture, landscape and the city — that to date make up a catalog of over a hundred titles.

  Upcoming releases —

Release: May 31th 2024 (TBC)

Humedales Costeros en Zonas Áridas. Conservación, rehabilitación y gestión para ciudades resilientes

Osvaldo Moreno, Ximena Arizaga (eds.) [in Spanish only]
This book aims to contribute to the development of strategies for restoration, conservation and management of coastal wetlands. Coastal wetlands, the authors argue,  need to be understood as socio-ecological infrastructures that are essential for sustainable development, urban resilience and adaptability to climate change, particularly in contexts of water scarcity. The book brings together researchers from Chile, Perú and Spain who offer multidisciplinary approaches to the study of coastal wetlands and their environmental and cultural values. 

Contributors: Osvaldo Moreno Flores, Ximena Arizaga, Jorge Valdés Saavedra, José Canziani Amico, Alessandra Calmell del Solar Monasí, Emilia Román López, Víctor Bravo Naranjo, Yery Marambio-Alfaro, Carolina Rojas Quezada, Viviana Lucía Panizo Hubner, Gloria Gómez Muñoz, Susana López Varela, Alejandra Arroyo Sichez

Release: TBC

ARQ 116: Collectivity + Housing

Stephannie Fell (ed.)

Housing is more than a building or a program. If we imagine it as a field, it would encompass everything from individual housing units, through spaces where various individualities overlap and intersect, to small fragments of the city. On this field, forces of diverse origins and scales unfold: personal, cultural, and social aspirations and desires; political agendas; economic resources; and urban ideals. (…) HOUSING inaugurates a series of three issues of ARQ in which we will discuss the construction of collectivities and imagination of projects in common.

Articles by: Ana Miljački & Cristina Gamboa, Barbara Penner, Hannah le Roux, Serafina Amoroso, Consuelo Albornoz
Proyectos: Social Housing in La Florida (Luis Izquierdo); San Diego Complex (EB Arquitectos); Townhouses Lo Recabarren (Cristián Izquierdo); Apartment Building in Virrey Avilés (Estudio Juan Campanini - Josefina Spositio); Small Family Cohousing Projects (Consolida); Heliópolis Housing Complex (Biselli Katchborian Arquitetos Asociados); Panamerican & Parapanamerican Villa (FIA Arquitectos, MOBIL Arquitectos, Unidad de Proyectos MINVU, PAUR); ReHousing (Samantha Eby, Michael Piper) y “Santiago, Cooperative City” (Vicente Osorio)

  Latest bilingual titles (English & Spanish) —



Stereografía | Johnston Lee
(April 2024)

Sharon Johnston, Mark Lee; Diego Grass (ed.), Rayna Razmilic (ed.), Stephannie Fell (ed.)
12 x 17 cm | 144 pp.
Spanish / English

ISBN: 978-956-6204-14-5

“We sometimes talk about our practice as a chess game where we make/do something, and somebody responds to that move. Oftentimes we’re drawing in more collaborators than we might typically need, sometimes artists, sometimes other thinkers. For us, each project is about opening new horizons and looking at the work in new ways. I feel that is why we do what we do. And situating the work in the context of a larger set of ideas, making work that can measure up to that set of ideas beyond you, is hard to do. But part of the exchange is about testing if we’re getting there... if it’s resonating.” [from Stereografía Johnston].

“[...] it is about reading the context. I’ve seen architects putting all their ideas in their first small project. They get to do a bus stop and they try putting a grandiose grid… Understanding what you’re building is, what you can address with it and how to react to the context is important. Sometimes is about being submissive to the context, sometimes there’s no reason to read any genius loci and your building will become the context of future interventions. So, knowing when to assert and when to step back is more important than being dogmatically ‘all about context.’” [from Stereografía Lee].

Buy printed issue →

ARQ 115 | Codesign?
(December 2023)

Stephannie Fell (ed.); several authors
Journal issue; softcover
20.6 x 27 cm | 148 pp.
Spanish / English

In the history of architecture, forces that threaten to put an end to the linear and authorial design process emerge every now and then. While the latest iteration seems to involve AI (Artificial Intelligence), the individual author has been sacrificed on numerous occasions through various means: by the promise of distributed authorship of the Internet and open-source movements in the 1990s, or the participatory turn of the 1960s, to name a few. However, the widespread promises of distributed authorship and participatory approaches from those years, with few exceptions, resulted in the continuation of traditional authorial practices or superficial commitments [...]. So, do we embrace co-design, or do we set it aside and move towards “the next big thing,” wearing the badge of a new trendy term?

“None of the processes of design portrayed by the articles or projects in this issue could be described as “simply linear” or attributed to just “one enlightened mind:” ideas circulate, many actors are involved, technical systems play their part.”

Buy printed issue →  /  Read online (SciELO) [open access]

Ediciones ARQ
El Comendador 1936, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Horario: Lun-Jue 09:30 a 17:00, Vie 09:30 a 15:00 hrs
+56 22 6865630 | editorial@edicionesarq.cl

Revista ARQ recibe el apoyo del Fondo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Fondo de Publicaciones de Revistas Científicas | website & logo: ©1980-2023 Ediciones ARQ ︎ ︎

Ediciones ARQ
El Comendador 1936, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Lun-Jue 09:30 a 17:00 hrs, Vie 09:30 a 15:00 hrs
+56 22 6865630 | editorial@edicionesarq.cl

Revista ARQ recibe el apoyo del Fondo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Fondo de Publicaciones de Revistas Científicas | © 1980-2022 Ediciones ARQ | Todos los derechos reservados ︎