Our editorial work is channeled into two lines of production: the quarterly publication of ARQ journal and the edition of a wide array of books about architecture, landscape and the city — that to date make up a catalog of over a hundred titles.

  Upcoming releases —

Release: September 2024

Drawing Light. Processing the Lit Environment

Antonia Peón-Veiga [English and Spanish]
If light is a physical, visual and constantly changing phenomenon, how do we communicate lighting design? Drawing Light is an examination of the techniques of lighting representation. Through close analysis of case studies—ranging from botanical illustration and examples of set design, to the musical notations of Iannis Xenakis—this book explores one of the fundamental challenges of architectural lighting: how to translate lighting phenomena into drawings that not only guide the design process, but also communicate it with precision and sensibility.

Foreword: Douglas Leonard


Release: 2024

Arquitectura en el Chile del s.XX. Tomo III: Los frutos modernos y su crisis 1950 - 1980

Fernando Pérez Oyarzun [Spanish only]

Los frutos modernos y su crisis 1950-1980 [”The modern fruits and their crisis”] is the third volume of Arquitectura en el Chile del siglo XX, by architect, academic and researcher Fernando Pérez Oyarzun (Chile’s National Architecture Prize, 2022). The book studies the decades following World War II. From Chile, these years are experienced as a reflection of the European reconstruction and the emergence of a new world order marked by the international dominance of the United States and the Cold War.

Politically, the period covers part of the presidency of Gabriel González Videla; the second term of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo; the presidencies of Jorge Alessandri and Eduardo Frei Montalva; the presidency of Salvador Allende, interrupted by the 1973 coup d'état; and the first period of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and the Junta de Gobierno.  During these years political tensions grew and reached a climax with the coup as a result of both local circumstances and international disputes that spread throughout the country in all their rawness. With this background, Los frutos modernos y sus crisis addresses an architecture, city and territory strongly marked by the notions of system and planning imposed from different political flanks. All this is accompanied by the emergence of new urban forms and ways of life, such as those that appear within collective housing with the proliferation of apartment buildings and the growth of urban informal settlements or campamentos. [Excerpt from the introduction]

Texts by: Pedro Alonso, Pedro Bannen, Jesús Bermejo, María Berríos.


Release: October 25th 2024

Colección Trazos. Vol. IV: Dibujo y enseñanza

Germán Hidalgo (ed.) [Spanish only]

The Trazos series seeks to present to a wide audience the importance of drawing as a practical and reflective exercise in support of creation and knowledge. The fourth volume of the collection, Dibujo y enseñanza [”Drawing and Teaching”], reviews the teaching of drawing in the art and architecture schools of the Universidad Católica de Chile during the last four decades.

Trazos is a series promoted by the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies (FADEU) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and published by Ediciones ARQ.


Release: October 29th 2024

ARQ Docs Anita Berrizbeitia

Anita Berrizbeitia; Catalina Picon (ed).

As an influential contemporary landscape theorist, Anita Berrizbeitia argues for a process-based approach. Whether ecological, social, or historical, this perspective has been instrumental in expanding our understanding, teaching, and practice of landscape architecture. The two essays that make up this book reinforce that vision, highlighting Berrizbeitia’s methods and approaches, deeply rooted in the study of the history of public landscapes in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Forewords: Catalina Picon; Alejandra Bosch
You can now buy ARQ Docs Anita Berrizbeitia at pre-launch price

  Latest bilingual titles (English & Spanish) —


ARQ 117 | Collectivity + Education
(August 2024)

Stephannie Fell (ed.); several authors
Journal issue; softcover
20.6 x 27 cm | 152 pp.
Spanish / English

This issue of ARQ sheds light on some of the past and future challenges of education. After the pandemic, many Latin American countries face increasing school dropout rates and widening gaps in learning experiences. We believe that, in this context, it is essential to think of education as a decapsulated program, open to community needs, where design ensures diverse collectivities and public policy values the urban and civic contributions that educational establishments can make. It is about understanding students not just as users or clients, but as citizens. [Editorial extract]

Articles/essays: The Conceptual Threads of Eds and Meds: Taking Stock of an American Urban Concept —by Bader Albader;
Educational Architecture and Standardization. Pragmatism and Normalization of Rural Schools in Chile (1929-1980) —by Claudia Torres, Hugo Mondragón, Guillermo Marini, Isidora Urrutia;
Many Squares, Some Fields, one Institution —by Alejandra Celedón, Nicolás Navarrete, Felipe Pizarro;
Childhood at the Center: Schoolyards as Learning Landscapes. Nicolás Stutzin in Conversation with Patio Vivo —by Nicolás Stutzin, Álvaro Benitez, Marcial Huneuss, Ángela Ibáñez;
Architecture, Education and Community: Lessons from Research and Practice —by Sol Pérez-Martínez;
Play, A Builder of Collectivity —by Felipe Diéguez

Works and Projects:
Universidad de Los Andes Civic Center in Bogotá, Colombia (Cristián Undurraga + Konrad Brunner); Alianza Francesa - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry School in Santiago, Chile (MasFernandez); Four Rural Schools in Araucanía, Chile (Rodrigo Duque Motta, Cristián Larraín, Matías Madsen); Portal Bosque Learning Center in La Barra, Uruguay (Diego Arraigada, Pedro Livni, Rafael Solano); National Southwest Associated University Avant-Garde Bookstore in Mengzi, China (zao/standardarchitecture; Zhang Ke); Karreveld Secondary School and Sports Center in Brussels, Belgium (AgwA); INES Innovation Center in Concepción, Chile (Pezo von Ellrichshausen); “Absolute School. Experimental Prototype for an Educational Village Park” Thesis Project (Camila Osorio)

Buy printed issue →  /  Read online (SciELO) [open access]

ARQ 116 | Collectivity + Housing
(April 2024)

Stephannie Fell (ed.); several authors
Journal issue; softcover
20.6 x 27 cm | 152 pp.
Spanish / English

Housing is more than a building or a program. If we imagine it as a field, it would encompass everything from individual housing units, through spaces where various individualities overlap and intersect, to small fragments of the city. On this field, forces of diverse origins and scales unfold: personal, cultural, and social aspirations and desires; political agendas; economic resources; and urban ideals.

Articles/essays by: Ana Miljački and Cristina Gamboa, Barbara Penner, Hannah le Roux, Serafina Amoroso, Consuelo Albornoz | Projects: Social Housing project in La Florida (Luis Izquierdo); San Diego Complex (EB Arquitectos); Townhouses Lo Recabarren(Cristián Izquierdo); Apartment Building in Virrey Avilés Street (Estudio Juan Campanini - Josefina Spositio); Small Family Cohousing Projects(Consolida); Heliópolis Housing Complex (Phase 2)(Biselli Katchborian Arquitetos Asociados); Pan American and Parapan American Village Santiago 2023 (FIA Arquitectos, MOBIL Arquitectos, Unidad de Proyectos MINVU, PAUR); ReHousing (Samantha Eby, Michael Piper); Santiago,  Cooperative City (Vicente Osorio)

“If collectivity is characterized by cohesion, the paramount question confronting design appears to lie in nurturing, amplifying, and multiplying the connections between individual realms and collective aspirations. In this edition of the journal, we showcase [...] projects that exemplify the myriad forms and elements that an emphasis on collectivity can assume within architecture.”

Buy printed issue →  /  Read online (SciELO) [open access]

Ediciones ARQ
El Comendador 1936, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Horario: Lun-Jue 09:30 a 17:00, Vie 09:30 a 15:00 hrs
+56 22 3545630 | editorial@edicionesarq.cl

Revista ARQ recibe el apoyo del Fondo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Fondo de Publicaciones de Revistas Científicas | website & logo: ©1980-2023 Ediciones ARQ ︎ ︎

Ediciones ARQ
El Comendador 1936, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Lun-Jue 09:30 a 17:00 hrs, Vie 09:30 a 15:00 hrs
+56 22 3545630 | editorial@edicionesarq.cl

Revista ARQ recibe el apoyo del Fondo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Fondo de Publicaciones de Revistas Científicas | © 1980-2022 Ediciones ARQ | Todos los derechos reservados ︎