Ediciones ARQ sales books on architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design from other publishers in Chile, Latin America, and Europe.
Distribution of Other Publishers in Chile
Ediciones ARQ sales books on architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design from other publishers in Chile, Latin America, and Europe. We distribute individual titles or the complete catalogs of publishers including: Bifurcaciones (Chile), Ediciones Puro Chile (Chile), Revista Materia by the School of Architecture USS (Chile), Fundación Alberto Cruz (Chile), Arquine (Mexico), Ediciones Creativas de Occidente (Mexico), and Uqbar (Chile).
Where Do We Distribute Your Books?
Titles from other publishers are available at our more than 25 annual on-site sales at schools of architecture across Chile, at our stands at fairs and biennials, and in the Ediciones ARQ online store.
How Does It Work?
We operate under a consignment model, receiving an agreed number of copies of your book and paying a previously agreed percentage of the sale price that you determine. Payment is made once all copies are sold or the agreed term has elapsed, whichever comes first. If you are an author or a publisher of books on architecture, urban design, landscape architecture, or related disciplines and are interested in having us distribute your books or journal, contact us at: comercial@edicionesarq.cl

Commercial Deputy Director:
Lorena Lobos D.
Cecilia Hernández R.
National Sales:
Verónica Mora F.