Ediciones ARQ is a non-profit publisher of books and an indexed journal of architecture, landscape and urban design. We’re housed at the School of Architecture of  Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

︎︎︎ History
︎︎︎ What we do
︎︎︎ Instructions for book proposals

︎︎︎ Ediciones ARQ Staff


Ediciones ARQ was born in 1980 from the publication of ARQ journal — which has been published regularly since then — reaching its current four-monthly rhythm in 1995. Under the direction of architect and academic Montserrat Palmer, our first book was published nine years after the journal’s foundation, initiating a production that today includes many titles dedicated to design and research in architecture, landscape and the city. The main objective of both the publishing house and the journal is to foster culture and promote the advancement of knowledge of architecture and the contemporary city in Chile and the world.

Today, this objective is pursued not only through bilingual publications, which allow us to expand our reach internationally, but also through the exploration of new formats that have allowed us to keep our production and printing costs down without compromising our editorial quality. Thus, by broadening our scope and having competitive prices, Ediciones ARQ has been undergoing a twofold expansion process: targeting new audiences and expanding our catalog at a dizzying pace.

In this way, we strive to reach not only architects but also students and people interested in knowing more about the environment that surrounds them: architecture, landscape, and cities.

What we do

Our editorial work is channeled into two lines of production: the quarterly publication of ARQ journal and the edition of a wide array of books about architecture, landscape and the city — that to date make up a catalog of over a hundred titles.

As a publishing house born in the academic world, Ediciones ARQ understands architecture as a form of cultural production that is not limited to the building itself. Architecture can be designed, but it can also be written, researched, and taught. We therefore aim to publish titles that contribute to the advancement of architecture-, urban- and landscape-related knowledge and that stem from a range of sources such as research, academic exercises, theory, or design. Since knowledge is not confined to the academic world, our publishing house is also involved in what happens in other spheres, publishing it with the same level of quality and intellectual rigor that characterizes it.

Submission instructions for book proposals

Ediciones ARQ accepts book manuscript proposals from researchers and professionals in the field of architecture, lanscape architecture, and urban design. If you wish to submit a project for consideration, please follow the instructions described in the following file.

Please send the requested material to libros@edicionesarq.cl. Files can be attached via email, or sent through platforms such as Dropbox or WeTransfer.

Distribution in Chile

Ediciones ARQ distributes books on architecture, landscape, and the built environment by other publishing houses in Chile. Some of the publishers we distribute for include: Bifurcaciones (Chile), Ediciones Puro Chile (Chile), Escuela de Arquitectura USS (Chile), Fundación Alberto Cruz (Chile), Arquine (México), Ediciones Creativas de Occidente (México), Uqbar (España)

Throghout the year, we carry out on-site sales at over 25 universities across Chile and participate in multiple national and international fairs, biennales, and other events. Distributed titles are sold in these events and can also be made available through our online store.

If you are an author of a publisher and would like us to distribute your titles in Chile, please get in touch with Lorena Lobos at comercial@edicionesarq.cl

Ediciones ARQ Staff

Editor-in-chief / Editor ARQ journal
Stephannie Fell C. — editora@edicionesarq.cl

Art direction / Graphic Editor
Carolina Valenzuela M. —

Design and graphic production assistant
Rocío Camacho C.

Editorial Producer
Francisco Cardemil P. — productor@edicionesarq.cl

Production Assistant
Gabriela Cancino M. — revista@edicionesarq.cl

Deputy Commercial Director
Lorena Lobos D. — comercial@edicionesarq.cl

Commercial Assistant (international sales)
Cecilia Hernández R. — export@edicionesarq.cl

Sales Assistant
Verónica Mora F. — ventas@edicionesarq.cl

Social media, Web and Outreach Manager
Felipe Pizarro P. — editorial@edicionesarq.cl

Ediciones ARQ
El Comendador 1936, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Horario: Lun-Jue 09:30 a 17:00, Vie 09:30 a 15:00 hrs
+56 22 3545630 | editorial@edicionesarq.cl

Revista ARQ recibe el apoyo del Fondo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Fondo de Publicaciones de Revistas Científicas | website & logo: ©1980-2023 Ediciones ARQ ︎ ︎

Ediciones ARQ
El Comendador 1936, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Lun-Jue 09:30 a 17:00 hrs, Vie 09:30 a 15:00 hrs
+56 22 3545630 | editorial@edicionesarq.cl

Revista ARQ recibe el apoyo del Fondo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Fondo de Publicaciones de Revistas Científicas | © 1980-2022 Ediciones ARQ | Todos los derechos reservados ︎