Un jardín público | La invención del verde urbano en la ciudad de Santiago 1838-1875
(December 2023)

Pía Montealegre Beach
12,5 x 18,5 cm | 280 pp.
ISBN: 978-956-6204-12-1

In nineteenth-century Santiago, arborization, gardening, and the relationship with the countryside and landscape were elements that shaped, either by inclusion or exclusion, the idea of a “public garden.” This book analyzes what seems a plausible explanation for a real fruition for urban greenery: its role, rather than bringing respite to a metropolis, would have been an invocation of modernity. An artifact that —efficiently and convincingly— would make a modern and cosmopolitan experience appear in public space. But, in its modern condition, it also turned out to be a double-edged sword that entailed renunciations and the rupture with a rural culture that, until then, invaded the city and modeled the forms of leisure.

Un jardín público [A Public Garden] is the second book of the Serie Doctorado, published in alliance with the FADEU UC Doctoral Program in Architecture and Urban Studies.

Ediciones ARQ
El Comendador 1936, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Horario: Lun-Jue 09:30 a 17:00, Vie 09:30 a 15:00 hrs
+56 22 3545630 | editorial@edicionesarq.cl

Revista ARQ recibe el apoyo del Fondo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Fondo de Publicaciones de Revistas Científicas | website & logo: ©1980-2023 Ediciones ARQ ︎ ︎

Ediciones ARQ
El Comendador 1936, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Lun-Jue 09:30 a 17:00 hrs, Vie 09:30 a 15:00 hrs
+56 22 3545630 | editorial@edicionesarq.cl

Revista ARQ recibe el apoyo del Fondo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Fondo de Publicaciones de Revistas Científicas | © 1980-2022 Ediciones ARQ | Todos los derechos reservados ︎