Natalia Jorquera Silva
17 x 24 cm | 223 pp.
ISBN: 978-956-9571-98-5
Reviled in much of the world as a symbol of poverty or cultural backwardness, earthen buildings have, since the early 1970s, come to be considered a valuable cultural heritage to be rescued and preserved. For this to happen, a major paradigm shift had to take place, based on understanding cultural and architectural heritage not only as monumental buildings, symbols of status and power, but also as small urban and rural housing complexes erected by anonymous builders who gave identity to local territories around the world and which — in the face of the cultural homogenization promoted by 20th-century architecture and industrialized materials — still have a great deal to contribute.
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17 x 24 cm | 223 pp.
ISBN: 978-956-9571-98-5
Reviled in much of the world as a symbol of poverty or cultural backwardness, earthen buildings have, since the early 1970s, come to be considered a valuable cultural heritage to be rescued and preserved. For this to happen, a major paradigm shift had to take place, based on understanding cultural and architectural heritage not only as monumental buildings, symbols of status and power, but also as small urban and rural housing complexes erected by anonymous builders who gave identity to local territories around the world and which — in the face of the cultural homogenization promoted by 20th-century architecture and industrialized materials — still have a great deal to contribute.
“This book aims to contribute to the valorization of earthen heritage. Through five chapters that rescue its history, the different earthen techniques and constructive cultures (...)”
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