Humedales Costeros en Zonas Áridas. Conservación, rehabilitación y gestión para ciudades resilientes
(April 2024)

Osvaldo Moreno (ed.), Ximena Arizaga (ed.); several authors.
17 x 24 cm | 204 pp.

ISBN: 978-956-6204-15-01

The goal of this publication is to contribute to the development of strategies for the rehabilitation, conservation, and management of coastal wetlands, recognizing their importance as socio-ecological infrastructure for sustainable development, resilience, and adaptability to climate change in contexts of water vulnerability. To this end, the book brings together researchers from Chile, Peru, and Spain to share their multidisciplinary studies and perspectives by presenting diverse approaches and case studies that, collectively, form a true network of landscapes linked to the environmental and cultural values of coastal wetlands.

Texts / Projects by: Ximena Arizaga, Jorge Valdés Saavedra, José Canziani Amico, Alessandra Calmell del Solar Monasí, Emilia Román López, Víctor Bravo Naranjo, Yery Marambio-Alfaro, Carolina Rojas Quezada, Viviana Lucía Panizo Hubner, Gloria Gómez Muñoz, Osvaldo Moreno Flores, Susana López Varela, Alejandra Arroyo Sichez, Susana Zapata Quispitupa

“From a cultural perspective, wetlands are vital ecosystems for human survival, as they are one of the most productive environments in the world: they are home to biodiversity, sources of water and primary productivity on which countless plant and animal species rely for subsistence.”

Ediciones ARQ
El Comendador 1936, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Horario: Lun-Jue 09:30 a 17:00, Vie 09:30 a 15:00 hrs
+56 22 3545630 |

Revista ARQ recibe el apoyo del Fondo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Fondo de Publicaciones de Revistas Científicas | website & logo: ©1980-2023 Ediciones ARQ ︎ ︎

Ediciones ARQ
El Comendador 1936, Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Lun-Jue 09:30 a 17:00 hrs, Vie 09:30 a 15:00 hrs
+56 22 3545630 |

Revista ARQ recibe el apoyo del Fondo de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile a través del Fondo de Publicaciones de Revistas Científicas | © 1980-2022 Ediciones ARQ | Todos los derechos reservados ︎