ARQ Docs | Sylvia Lavin
Sacrifice and the Garden: Watelet’s Essai sur les jardins and the Space of the Picturesque | One to What? Cultural Technique and Model Making
(October 2023)

Sylvia Lavin, Camila Reyes Alé (ed.) 
12 x 17 cm | 115 pp.
Spanish / English

ISBN: 978-956-6204-08-4

“[...] the architectural culture of the eighteenth century could simply not be understood without giving to the picturesque a central, if not dominant place. Many fundamental questions, such as the relation between visual and textual modes of representation, developments in the social role of writings about the arts, new forms of subjectivity, to name just a few, came together in the picturesque garden and gave it a position of  still unmatched epistemological distinction” [from Sacrifice and the Garden].

“Model making has functioned not only as an operation characteristic of certain forms of production or professional institutions, but also as a significant cultural technique when, under delimited historical situations, it intersected with other epistemic, technological, and social systems. [...] More broadly, however, this formulation suggests a method for taking scholarly responsibility to consider the present by asking “what is architectural model making doing today?” or rather, “what more could architectural model making do today?” [from One to What?].

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